Academia Publishing

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Academia Membership

Academia Membership is to promote the development of the open access in academic research journals and to speed up scientific dissemination and technology intercourse, as well as to encourage academicians, research institutions, academic societies, nonprofit organizations, and industrial sectors to actively support open access in publishing.

Prepay Membership
Prepay Membership enables an organization to cover the whole cost of publishing for their researchers when publishing in Academia open access journals. No additional fees will be paid by individual authors. This is an advance payment system whereby customers pay upfront for accepted articles authored by their researchers to be processed and published. Upon publication, the full article-processing charge (APC) for the journal in question, minus a loyalty discount, will be deducted from the account.

Shared Support Membership
This Membership is based on a deposit of funds that cover fifty percent of the article-processing charges for articles submitted and accepted from your researchers. The other fifty percent is covered by the authors and their grants. Shared Support Membership has been created in response to extensive communications with the library community and offers a manageable, cost-effective option for both the institution and author.

Foundation Membership
Foundation Membership is an initiative that enables poor authors and institutions in developing countries to demonstrate their commitment and support for open access publishing and offers a range of benefits for participating Members. There is no cost to become a Foundation Member but institutions must fulfill certain criteria.

Postpay Membership
This is a system whereby group members are invoiced in arrears for articles authored by their members that have published in Academia since the last invoice date. Invoice schedules are set on a monthly or quarterly cycle.

Supporter Membership
Supporter Members pay a flat rate annual Membership fee based on the number of science, medical researchers and graduate students at their institution. Authors at the Supporter Member institution are given a 20% discount on the article-processing charge when publishing in Academia.

Benefits of Membership?
Time saving and convenient – removes the administrative burden from institutions.
Cost-effective – pricing plans to fit individual requirements and budgets.
Discounts on APC – concessions on all Academia products.
Increased exposure for an organization – Members receive their own customized webpage.

Administration and payment obligations are taken away from the Member group’s individual researchers wishing to publish in our open access journals. Individual researchers within the group or society organization will be able to submit an unlimited number of research articles to our journals without directly incurring the article-processing charge each time their paper is accepted for publication.
Email alerts are sent to administrators each time an article is submitted.
Membership enables groups to become involved in open access publishing without having to find a large amount of money at the outset, spreading the cost throughout their Membership term.

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